Steam Module


The STEAM learning modules are designed to align with the science curriculum and everyday life contexts. These hands-on activities help students apply their knowledge of science, math, and technology, and understand basic engineering concepts. The modules also teach basic programming, helping students see how science and technology are used in real life, and improving their problem-solving and creative thinking skills.

Sample outputs

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Setup and First Boot

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Blinking Built-in LED

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Multiple Blinking of LED

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Adjustable BLinking Rate of LED

Programming Activity Guide

No.TitleLearning HoursClass
1Setup and First Boot with Trioe20 MinsBeginner
2Soldering With Trioe20 MinsBeginner
3Blink Activity 120 MinsBeginner
4 Blink Activity 220 MinsBeginner
5 Blink Activity 320 MinsBeginner
6 Blink Activity 420 MinsBeginner

Contact Us

Phone: (043) 980 0384 local 1114


Address: STEER Hub Building, Batangas State University, Alangilan, Batangas City